NMPC Youth Mission
Our mission is to make the Word of God fully known to students so that they might know their deep, deep need of Jesus – and His deep, deep love for them. Our ministry to students is framed by the example of Jesus Christ – with His emphasis on personal relationships.
Gathering Times
Youth Group:
We meet for youth group each Wednesday from 6:30 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. in the youth room. Come join us for dinner beforehand! Bring $5, and dinner is served at 5:45 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
Dgroups -Discipleship Groups:
A discipleship group (“Dgroup”) is a group of students who meet together weekly, and occasionally one-on-one, with a godly leader for the purpose of growing in their relationship with Jesus Christ through Prayer, Accountability, Care, and Training from God’s Word. Fall groups run from late-September through early December; spring groups run from February through April.
Register for dgroups here.
Wednesday Night Series: Peace
Over the next six weeks, we will discussing PEACE and what that means in our lives.

Sunday School Series: Everyday Church
Join us on Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. as we discuss I Peter and the book Everyday Church. Corporate worship to follow.

Check out this Guide put together by RUF